Boethius, Arithmetica, 1492 (2a1v)

The text of this edition begins “Incipiunt duo libri de Arthimetica” but the title of the book is taken not from this phrase, but from the label-title on the previous page. The space for the initial letter, like others in this volume, has been left unfilled.

The text of this edition begins "Incipiunt duo libri de Arthimetica" but the title of the book is taken not from this phrase, but from the title label on the previous page. The space for the initial letter, like others in this volume, has been left unfilled.

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Boethius, Arithmetica geometria et musica Boetii. Venice: Giovanni and Gregorio de’ Gregori, 1492. (sig. 2a1v)

Boston Public Library, Q.403.7 (public domain)

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