Collaert, Nova Reperta, 1600 (pl. 19)

In this depiction of copper engraving, you can see the full range of activities involved in printing an engraving. In the background a sheet of copper is being flattened and prepared for engraving; in the lower right, boys are being taught how to use a burin to draw on a plate; in the middle men are inking and preparing a plate for printing; on the left, a man is turning the wheel of a rolling press to print a plate; and in the background, finished prints are being hung to dry.

In this depiction of copper engraving, you can see the full range of activities involved in printing an engraving. In the background a sheet of copper is being flattened and prepared for engraving; in the lower right, boys are being taught how to use a burin to draw on a plate; in the middle men are inking and preparing a plate for printing; on the left, a man is turning the wheel of a rolling press to print a plate; and in the background, finished prints are being hung to dry.

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Jan Collaert, after Jan van der Straet, “Scvlptvra in Aes” from Nova Reperta Philips Galle: Antwerp, ca. 1600. (plate 19)

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 49.95.870(10) (public domain)

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