Marmion, Antiquary, 1641 (H4r)

Blank areas on a page are usually filled with type or spaces that won’t print—without those extra pieces, the platen of the press will tilt unevenly as it’s pushing down on the forme. On this copy, the quads used to fill the blank areas were accidentally inked and printed.

Blank areas on a page are usually filled with type or spaces that won't print---without those extra pieces, the platen of the press will tilt unevenly as it's pushing down on the forme. On this copy, the quads used to fill the blank areas were accidentally inked and printed.

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Shackerley Marmion, The antiquary. London: Felix Kingston for I.W. and Francis Eglesfield, 1641. (sig. H4r)

Boston Public Library, PR3545.M9 A6 1641 (public domain)

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