Verkündigung der Bulle Pastoris, 1479

This 1479 papal bull from Pope Sixtus IV features two nearly-identical collation notes by papal notaries, identified by their initials in the seals to the left of their notes as Gregorius May and Mathias Horn. The huge and intricate initial I is handwritten and the bull is printed on parchment, both features which hearken back to the established and respected tradition of manuscript bookmaking.

This 1479 papal bull from Pope Sixtus IV features two nearly-identical collation notes by papal notaries, identified by their initials in the seals to the left of their notes as Gregorius May and Mathias Horn. The huge and intricate initial I is handwritten and the bull is printed on parchment, both features which hearken back to the established and respected tradition of manuscript bookmaking.

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Gabriel Biel, Verkündigung der Bulle Pastoris boni Sixtus IV. vom 22. Juni 1479. Bad Urach: Konrad Fyner, 1479. (recto)

Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Ke XVIII 4.2 (Nr. 8) (public domain)

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