Zumárraga, Doctrina breve, 1544 (a1r)

This title page uses woodcut blocks and pieces of type to create decorative borders surrounding the text presenting the work’s title and imprint. Doctrina breve is the first complete work printed in North America, and was printed using type, blocks, and press were brought over to Mexico City from Spain.

This title page uses woodcut blocks and pieces of type to create decorative borders surrounding the text presenting the work's title and imprint. Doctrina breve is the first complete work printed in North America, and was printed using type, blocks, and press were brought over to Mexico City from Spain.

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Juan de Zumárraga, Doctrina breve muy provechosa de las cosas que pertenecen a la fe católica y a nuestra cristiandad en estilo llano para común inteligencia. Mexico City: Juan Pablos for Juan Cromberger, 1544. (sig. a1r)

Houghton Library, Typ 100.544 (public domain)

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